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  • Street Outreach

  • Case Management

  • Housing Navigation and Retention

  • Psychoeducational Groups  and Life Skills Classes

   Schedule a virtual appointment with us HERE.

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Eligibilty Requirements

To receive services, all consumers must meet criteria for permanent supportive housing through the Homeless Coordinated Entry System or meet HUD's definition of homeless, including consumers as follows:


1. Discharged from an institution, but not including any limits on the day or meet the limit of days.


2. Discharged from an institution, but not including any limitations on the day or meet the limit of days, and have multiple chronic conditions or severe mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders.


Street Outreach - The CHE street outreach team, Homeless Engagement and Response Team (HEART), provides field-based service integration activities such as outreach and case management to engage homeless individuals and connect them to needed resources such as social services, mental health or substance abuse treatment, medical health services, financial benefits, transportation, meals, emergency shelter, bridge housing, and long-term housing. Case management begins after the initial outreach contact. As rapport is established, the outreach workers will utilize Motivational Interviewing (MI) and a solutions-based approach to develop a trusting relationship and provide the individual with field-based case management.

Case Management  -  Our social workers assist with securing social benefits (e.g., Calfresh, Medi-Cal, General Assistance, CalWORKs, Unemployment Insurance). In addition to obtaining identification and documentation for eligibility, supporting the application process, and connecting individuals to appropriate providers and services.

Housing Navigation and Retention Services -  Our housing team provides intensive case management and housing preparation to help homeless families and individuals obtain permanent housing. In addition to housing navigation services, the staff also provides retention services to support clients with sustaining housing.

Groups and Life Skills Classes - Our multidisciplinary team of professionals and students provides psychoeducational groups and life skills classes that put the person at the center of the care and enable them to become more in control over things that might precipitate old behaviors by improving coping skills and knowing how to enhance relationships. 



We provide services to those who have multiple and interrelating social, behavioral, and mental problems negatively impacting their health. Each client is unique, and therefore, has his or her own worldview and life choice history. We work collaboratively with the client to set attainable goals that are based on the client’s own perspective of his, her, or their needs. We utilize a client-centric approach to create an atmosphere promoting a sense of personal empowerment for clients to discover their own answers and solutions as they traverse a courageous path towards a better life.

We also utilize a harm reduction model in which we make every effort to meet the client where they are and collaboratively address their problems. We work toward a broader overall condition of wellbeing and improvement-oriented toward achieving a life off the streets. In addition to “Motivational Participation” which is a process of incorporating clients into various levels of our duties, working alongside us. This helps clients see the value we see in them, thereby motivating them to take an active role in their lives while building the confidence and capacity to engage in treatment to manage their challenges and problems.

Community Health Engagement

501(c) (3) Non-Profit Organization 

21 Soledad Street

Salinas, CA 93901

Office (831) 770-1700                                                                                                                                          © 2020 by CSUMB Community Health Engagement. All Rights Reserved.                   

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